European Union parliamentarian Richard Howitt visited Kashmir this week to investigate the findings of EU rapporteur Emma Nicholson's report "Kashmir: present situation and future prospects," which had been released in December. Raising questions about the democratic credentials of the Pakistani government and its commitment to the people and institutions in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, the report generated considerable heat both here in Kashmir as well as across the border. In a wide-ranging interview with Kashmir Observer correspondent M Farooq Shah at the Grand Palace Hotel, Mr. Howitt reflected on the failures of colonial powers, considered the effectiveness of Europe's liberal democrats, and commented on the progress of the Indo-Pak peace process.
Farooq Shah: How concerned is the European Union about the problem of Kashmir?
Richard Howitt: The European Union is very much concerned about the problem of Kashmir and it's resolution. The EU has over a period of time been actively engaged in trying to work out what exactly is happening on the ground in Kashmir, which is why I'm here on a fact-finding mission: so that we're able to frame a Kashmir policy.
Farooq Shah: A few years ago in an interview with a British Magazine, the former British Foreign Secretary said, I quote: "The British Government had been complacent about Kashmir at the time of Indian independence, when it quickly became the most contentious issue between India and Pakistan." Do you also believe that Kashmir problem has its genesis rooted in the British Colonial Rule?
Richard Howitt: I've no problems in confessing that a lot of the problems we have to deal with now are a consequence of our colonial past and due to some serious mistakes especially during the last decades of the British Empire. Many territorial disputes that exist today are on the illogical borders created by colonial powers. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - in which Britain pledged support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine - and the contradictory assurances given to Palestinians were not entirely moral.
Farooq Shah: Kashmiri families have been divided by a ceasefire line for 57 years, one of the longest standing disputes since the end of the WWII. How do you view this situation from a human angle that loved ones cannot meet freely amongst themselves?
Richard Howitt:I've been trying to meet a maximum number of people directly or indirectly affected by the conflict. From individuals, lawyers, victims of violence and statistics gathered from different sources - including different human-rights bodies such as Amnesty International, etc. - suggest quite an appalling human tragedy as far as the LoC is concerned. Behind these statistics are people with thousands of stories to tell of the tragedy that has come to symbolize the line of control that runs over hundreds of kilometres of forested hill and inhospitable terrain, defying logic in some places as it splits families and divides villages. From any angle, not to talk of a human one, the LoC is some thing that touches my heart.
Farooq Shah: Of late, the EU has been having a proactive role in international affairs, specifically in conflict areas. However, Kashmiris feel let down that EU could have played a more meaningful role in having the conflict resolved. How do you react to that?
Richard Howitt: Traditionally any suggestions with regard to Kashmir dispute is not accepted by the two sides and so the important thing for the international community is that any problem that we undertake - that includes my own visit to Kashmir - is undertaken with a due humility, with a respect to the sovereignty of the countries involved and with a motivation of friendship and working constructively to bring positive influence to the problem. However, it is right that we are all subject to international law, to international human rights standards and humanitarian laws and it is essential that international visitors to Kashmir and to any conflict in the world ask hard questions about the observance of human rights and advocate for the strongest compliance with international law. I want to express my profound concerns about the consequences of the conflict. I met victims of violence who've told me heartfelt stories about how they have lost their loved ones and it is important that each of them is given justice. There can be no compromise ever in complying with international standards of human rights.
Farooq Shah: Emma Nicholson's report on Kashmir is in sharp contrast to the European Parliament's Adhoc Delegation Report adopted by the committee on foreign affairs in November 2004 which accepted Kashmiris were a party to the dispute. That seems nowhere in the Emma's report?
Richard Howitt: I'm here because of the European Parliament to debate about the future policy of Kashmir. The report that has been drafted is the work of one person that has never been subject to any vote of European parliament. I understand and I know that that report does not reflect the ground realities in Kashmir. I know from very many consultations that have taken place with international organisations and with governmental sources, but I felt that this issue is so important that I did not want to rely on second-hand sources before we undertake our debate and that is why I'm here and although my own movements have been restricted, I've met with victims, lawyers, NGOs, government and the army and I'll be meeting with politicians across the political spectrum and I believe that I would be able to go back to the European Parliament and to engage in debate and help shape the European Parliament policy that does reflect the ground realities and the proper aspirations of the Kashmiri people. We want to come clean on the Kashmir issue and address what is actually happening on ground.
Farooq Shah: You've rejected Emma's report, saying: "The Liberal Democrats should be ashamed to have published such an appallingly prejudiced report that, if passed by the European Parliament, would actually be counterproductive in holding back the peace process currently underway between the governments of India and Pakistan."
Richard Howitt: I stand by all of those words. I'm on an international visit here not to criticise another political party or politician individually during this visit. I can do that in European Parliament and it would not be appropriate for me to do that here in Kashmir but I do not believe that the draft report produced is fair or accurate or unbiased and that is one of the reasons that I'm here to make sure that I understand the ground reality.
Farooq Shah: It's believed that her report goes contrary to the aspirations of Kashmiri people as it is alleged that she didn't go for collecting her data from original sources and put into words whatever was told to her by a group of retired officials of Indian Army. What've you to say to that?
Richard Howitt: I can't comment on what her sources are but I've met representatives today from civil society and members of the legal community who wanted to see her but did not.
Farooq Shah: Europe is emerging as a super-market which has its stakes in India as far as trade goes. How do you think this should affect EU's intervention in Kashmir vis-à-vis Indian standpoint considering Emma's report which is believed more in favour of India than Pakistan?
Richard Howitt: Of course, we want trade to flourish between Europe and the rest of the world. We want tourism, environmental changes but having said that Europe is foremost in the world holding principles of democracy and justice but we would never compromise on the principles of human rights and the international law.
Farooq Shah: As a result of the conflict, the collateral damage to the environment, ecology, wildlife, education, healthcare in Kashmir etc has been phenomenal. Do you take up these issues with Indian officials at any level?
Richard Howitt: Our concern at Europe about environmental issues is very much real. We've not talked about it as yet with the local or the Delhi government. We're very passionately concerned about the humanitarian aspect of the conflict. First of all my concern is motivated by promotion of peace and conflict resolution. Nevertheless, this morning I'll be looking at the Dal Lake project and I think it'll give us the idea about the environmental destruction here.
Farooq Shah: India has time and time again shown its unwillingness to engage international mediation on Kashmir. Do you think that international intervention could have facilitated a speedy resolution to the conflict?
Richard Howitt: I believe that international engagement is one of the confidence building measures that should take place that people like me visiting out of friendship and supporting the principles of peace, a conflict resolution and human rights that can only be a positive influence in the Kashmir dispute. We are not seeking to preach or to determine or to interfere. We're seeking to foster friendship and reflect our own experiences, including my own country experiences of Northern Ireland, where we had a deep and difficult dispute over many years, and I hope in the next period it would be possible for European and international NGOs to work more freely across Jammu and Kashmir and for international visitors like myself to be able to travel and work more freely. We respect the security threats locally. We respect the challenges that exist for the state and I believe the international engagement can help be a part of the solution.
Farooq Shah There're several options being discussed with regard to the Kashmir conflict. As you've mentioned your experiences of Northern Ireland, do you think some thing close to that could be worked out here?
Richard Howitt: Each conflict is individual and there's no readymade solution and I certainly don't suggest that Northern Ireland nor any other conflict in the world can provide an intermit answer to the problems in Kashmir. But I do believe that our experiences in Northern Ireland can assist people here in moving towards conflict resolution. In that arena the border has been made less significant. There's been significant joint working between two sovereign governments. We've seen a process of demilitarisation take place slowly, reduced terrorist violence, reduced army presence step by step and we've seen former terrorists ultimately disarm and join the democratic process and if any of those things were to take place here then I think Northern Ireland can be one example that can help find a solution.
Farooq Shah: Isn't it possible for the European Union to get people holding different views on Kashmir on board to work for a lasting solution to the problem?
Richard Howitt: I've discussed ways as how to get people on board representing different thoughts on Kashmir. I'm not suggesting in any sense that there'll be any formal European mediation in this regard but what I do know as far as my work on Israeli- Palestinian conflict is that the European Parliament, European research bodies and non-governmental organisations have been instrumental in getting people on both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian divide to gather in private--sometimes unofficially, sometimes with people who've recently retired but still have good links and contacts with their respective governments and just as that the back channel or the track-II diplomacy in the Indo-Pak peace process and dialogue, and may be these sort of informal gatherings can take place in Europe or facilitated by Europe which will then play a more formal role that can perhaps increase the mutual understanding in the dialogue process.
Farooq Shah: European Union is well aware of the unprecedented build-up of armies on both sides of the line of control. Among several confidence building measures being discussed and implemented, demilitarisation is one tricky issue. How does European Union understand demilitarization?
Richard Howitt: First of all I don't believe to the best of knowledge that there's any official position of the European Union on that. India is a sovereign country, whatever grievances and aspirations people have in Kashmir, India has a right to protect itself as all sovereign countries. However, I'm going to discus all these issues in private, not least with the army but with the Indian government through the course of my visit. Some of these questions are best addressed in private. There're are large armies on both sides of the line of control and I'm not saying that their activities are the same or the numbers are the same either absolutely or relatively, but clearly having and maintaining large military forces on both sides of the line of control is a big drain economically to the government of both sides and most of the people have told me while I've been here that the very presence of the military itself produces all sorts of problems. So clearly, if it is possible to create an atmosphere of peace, trust and confidence to enable troops to be withdrawn from both sides, that is some thing that I'd be discussing with the Indian government.
Farooq Shah: Are you aware of the human rights situation in Kashmir? How do you see it?
Richard Howitt: I want to express that I'm profoundly concerned by what I've heard about the human rights record here based on meeting victims of violence here. As vice-president of the European parliament human rights sub-committee, I've gathered a lot of valuable data and statistics, individual stories and testimonies that I'll be taking back with me to Brussels to ensure that all of this is heard in the highest echelons of the European decision making bodies.
Farooq Shah: There's a travel advisory against visiting Kashmir. The government of Jammu and Kashmir has been trying hard to have the advisory lifted, though without success. What role can you play as an important member of the EU in this regard?
Richard Howitt: Well the travel advisory is a statute order by individual governments including my own government in United Kingdom for some one who informally came to Srinagar as tourist. What I've experienced is that Kashmir is a very beautiful place in the whole world as I took a walk around without anybody with me. If you're successful - which I really hope you are - in restoring peace to your society, I'm sure that European visitors would come and that would definitely help in the economic reconstruction of Kashmir after years of conflict.
The interview appeared in Kashmir Observer
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Violence in Muslim Societies
‘Look before you leap: Mufti Nazir’
The recent London bombings are aimed at smearing the beauty of Islam, says Mufti Nazir Ahmad, a young Kashmiri Muslim cleric who is acknowledged as one of the most credible scholars issuing religious decrees. He teaches religion to young boys at Darul-ul-Aloom Rahimia at Bandipore, a town to the northwest of Srinagar. Mufti, who is a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board for the past six years, has studied religion at Dar-ul- Aloom, Deoband, a premier seat of Islamic learning in India, besides having done master's in Urdu. He says, the Islam he was acquainted with, taught him the respect of life and that if anyone killed an innocent person, it was tantamount to killing the entire mankind as he threw light on the issues concerning the world at present in a interview with Farooq Shah of Kashmir Observer. Excerpts:
MF: Violence and Muslims have become sort of synonymous these days. Non-Muslims say that there's a special emphasis on the use of violence in Islam. What's the real picture?
Mufi Nazir : The literal meaning of Islam is peace. How can a religion, from whose very literal meaning emanates a feeling of peace and security be an advocate of violence? The entire meaning of Islam can be summed up in one Qur'anic verse: An innocent killing is tantamount to the killing of all the humanity. Islam goes to this extent as well that if a man helps another even with half a word in abetting a killing, he too is involved in the entire crime. Killing of innocents has nothing to do with the religion of peace.
MF: Islamic history is replete with wars and Muslims have taken pride in glorifying these. Is it so that war is necessary for establishing peace?
Mufti Nazir: If you look at the history, most wars at the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were thrust upon them and Muslims reacted only in self-defence. Islam has reached various places, including Kashmir, without the influence of sword. Islam authorises war in extraordinary situations only, for example, if they meet a violent uprising and the use of force becomes the only alternative.
MF: Making a mention of Kashmir, do you think that some people here have distanced themselves from the age-old teachings and traditions of Sufis and other saints whose message was subtle and that of peace and in accordance with the principles of Islam that some of them have drifted from the real path? Do you think, there's need to inculcate those teachings afresh?
Mufti Nazir: There's no denying that the present generation has distanced itself from the traditions, teachings and ways of life of the Sufi saints who have left an indelible mark on the culture of Kashmir. The subtleties that they taught are completely missing in today's generation. Their character and behavior was so strong that people would automatically embrace Islam and I'm sorry to say that if the people are disillusioned with Islam today, it is because of our bad character and bad behaviour. The only way out from this situation is to respect other people and save oneself from inflicting harm upon another.
MF: Day in and day out, we hear of bomb blasts, killings, kidnappings etc-claiming hundreds of lives every day. It's no coincidence that a number of these take place in Muslim nations or Muslims themselves carry out most of these. How would the order be set right?
Mufti Nazir: If a particular mode of procedure has more disadvantages than advantages, I say however justified a cause, one must refrain from it especially when it brings a bad name to Islam. To me these acts do not conform to the teachings of Islam at all.
MF: There're some clerics who preach extremism in the name of Islam. As an example, one Sheikh living in exile in London, reportedly receiving 300 pounds a month from British government approves the use of violence against England and America. How do you react to such clerics in the first place?
Mufti Nazir: Islam rejects people with double standards, as does the humanity. If the learned men of religious authority are victim of this double-standard syndrome, I don't think Islam acknowledges such behaviours. I've not heard of the Sheikh and I don't know his viewpoint whatsoever, and I don't think I would be able to comment on this gentleman.
MF: Jihad is the probably the most contentious issue of discussion in Islam. What's the theory behind it and who's qualified to give an edict in this regard? Can anybody act on ones own and wage a jihad?
Mufti Nazir: There're issues in Islam where a single person is not qualified to give opinion regarding something contentious, which might lead to ambiguity or indecisiveness. In such cases, a team of highly qualified and learned men of religious authority sit together and analyse the pros and cons of an issue vis-à-vis Islamic teachings and after careful thought issue a combined decision. A person in his individual capacity pursuing anything of his own has nothing to do with Islam.
MF: Islam in the West is the second largest religion after Christianity and still growing. People in the west have been more inclusive and tolerant in many ways and have allowed the spread of Islam happily. Do you not think, the recent spate of violent acts in US and Europe, such as Madrid and London, is harming the cause of Islam?
Mufti Nazir: There's no doubt that acts such as these harm the Muslims' interests in general and Islam in particular. Such acts do tarnish the beauty of Islam.
MF: September 11, Madrid Bombings, Beslan killings, London bombings and now the recent Egypt bombings. How far is it justified to see Muslims' hands in these acts?
Mufti Nazir: The first and foremost thing is to establish whether those responsible are Muslims in the first place. Even if some Muslims are supposed to be involved, it has to be seen whether they act on their own or are used as tools in some kind of a ploy by different agencies to carry out these heinous acts. In the latter case, it is not the Islam that is to be blamed. There's no room for extremism in Islam. If someone thinks that Islam teaches him to do so, I think it does not conform to the principles of Islam. Islamic Fiqah Academy of India organised a seminar on it titled Islam-global peace and security - in which certain resolutions were adopted such as the definition of terrorism, relations with other communities and forbidding of the use of violence against innocent people etc. In Islam there is no justification to violence, whosoever the perpetrator is.
MF: What exactly do you teach at the Madrasa you're engaged in as a religious teacher? What do you stress at? Do you inform the students about the violent acts that mar the day-to-day life today?
Mufti Nazir: Our main focus lies on the real teachings of Islam which should enable the students to uphold the lost traditions of the learned men of the bygone era of Kashmir, Hazrat Anwar Shah, Sheikh Yaqoob Sarfi,-just to name a few. Ours is a simple endeavour to make them good human beings who would be able to differentiate between good and evil for themselves. Violence is something we prefer to keep at bay.
The interview appeared in Kashmir Observer after 7/7 London Bombings.
UK supports Kashmir resolution as per peoples’ wishes: British High Commissioner
Sir Richard Stagg, British High Commissioner to India, visited Kashmir recently and met with several mainstream and separatist leaders. He said the visit allowed him to see for himself the reality of life here and opines that the present situation was clearly a major impediment to exploiting opportunities of the region in full. The High Commissioner said that he was buoyed with the developments that took place in Islamabad on May 20-21 wherein the two countries underlined political will and determination to resolve all outstanding issues, including Jammu and Kashmir. He hoped the confidence building measures between the two countries would lead to concrete improvements in the lives of people on either side of the line of control. He said though United Kingdom remained committed to engagements in Kashmir in a very practical way through his government’s Conflict Prevention Pool, it was for the parties directly involved to determine the future course.In an interview with M Farooq Shah of the Greater Kashmir, Richard said that dialogue remained the best way option to solve Kashmir issue. Experts:
Was your recent visit to Kashmir the first and what was your impression?
Yes, it was my first visit to Kashmir. It allowed me to see for myself the reality of life for the people of Kashmir. The present situation is clearly a major impediment to exploiting the opportunities of the region to the full. My visit has, however, brought home to me how much could be achieved if the underlying difficulties are resolved.
What was the purpose of your sudden visit to Kashmir?
The visit has been on the cards since I took over about six months back, and took a lot of planning. The purpose was educational – to meet different political and social leaders from across the State and to gain a first hand impression of the people, culture, politics and issues in the conflict. I found it very helpful, and enjoyed meeting people very much.
The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office maintains that Kashmir remains an issue of importance to the United Kingdom, taking into account the wishes of the Kashmiri people. How concerned is the United Kingdom over Kashmir?
India-Pakistan relations and the issue of Kashmir remain of direct importance for the UK. But it is not for the UK to prescribe a solution. It is for the parties directly involved to determine through dialogue. We fully support the ongoing discussions between India and Pakistan and continue to urge both countries to seek a lasting resolution to the issue of Kashmir, one that reflects the wishes of Kashmir’s people.We are encouraged by the recent Composite Dialogue talks on 20-21 May in Islamabad. We hope that confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan will build on progress to date, and lead to concrete improvements in the lives of those on either side of the Line of Control.
The United Kingdom is supporting India and Pakistan to address the causes and impact of conflict in the region. Could you elaborate a little on that?
We remain committed to our engagement in Kashmir in a very practical way through the UK Government’s Conflict Prevention Pool. This continues to fund a number of projects which help those in India, Pakistan and on both sides of the Line of Control with their efforts to facilitate dialogue and address the causes and impact of conflict in the region.
World powers, your country included, have shrugged off their responsibilities on the pretext that Kashmir problem is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan, letting the people here suffer in the tussle between the two elephants. Do you not think a more pragmatic approach could have assisted in hammering out a solution long back?
Dialogue remains the best option to solve the issue. A solution can be found only through dialogue: no other country can prescribe a solution. The UK supports the ongoing dialogue process between India and Pakistan, and a solution that takes into account the wishes of the people of Kashmir.
Situation in J&K 10 years from now on - is there hope for a solution and what guarantees can United Kingdom give?
I’m afraid that the United Kingdom cannot give any guarantees on what will happen in 10 years time! But we continue to urge India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue. We were encouraged to hear the remarks of Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, during his visit to Indian-Administered Kashmir in April, when he said that he hoped to put the past behind us, and to move forward with a sense of urgency, not inhibited by false fears or narrow agendas. I remember that he also said that he had been heartened by the very positive statements made by the Pakistani Government. We have also heard positive messages from Pakistani Prime Minister, Syed Gillani, who said that that he would promote “peace and brotherhood" with India. The Composite Dialogue talks on 20-21 May in Islamabad were encouraging, and we hope India and Pakistan will continue to build on this progress.
There's a travel advisory against visiting Kashmir. The government of Jammu and Kashmir has been trying hard to have it lifted, though without success. Do you not think the time's ripe to lift it?
The UK Government advises against all travel to or through rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir (other than Ladakh), and against all but essential travel to Srinagar. We advise British nationals intending to travel to Srinagar to do so only by air. The Indian Government clearly remains concerned about the security situation in Indian-administered Kashmir. The UK Government has a consular responsibility towards its citizens to provide them with the most accurate and current advice on the risks of travel to a particular region. We keep our travel advice under constant review.
The interview was published in Greater Kashmir, on July 5, 2008.
Was your recent visit to Kashmir the first and what was your impression?
Yes, it was my first visit to Kashmir. It allowed me to see for myself the reality of life for the people of Kashmir. The present situation is clearly a major impediment to exploiting the opportunities of the region to the full. My visit has, however, brought home to me how much could be achieved if the underlying difficulties are resolved.
What was the purpose of your sudden visit to Kashmir?
The visit has been on the cards since I took over about six months back, and took a lot of planning. The purpose was educational – to meet different political and social leaders from across the State and to gain a first hand impression of the people, culture, politics and issues in the conflict. I found it very helpful, and enjoyed meeting people very much.
The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office maintains that Kashmir remains an issue of importance to the United Kingdom, taking into account the wishes of the Kashmiri people. How concerned is the United Kingdom over Kashmir?
India-Pakistan relations and the issue of Kashmir remain of direct importance for the UK. But it is not for the UK to prescribe a solution. It is for the parties directly involved to determine through dialogue. We fully support the ongoing discussions between India and Pakistan and continue to urge both countries to seek a lasting resolution to the issue of Kashmir, one that reflects the wishes of Kashmir’s people.We are encouraged by the recent Composite Dialogue talks on 20-21 May in Islamabad. We hope that confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan will build on progress to date, and lead to concrete improvements in the lives of those on either side of the Line of Control.
The United Kingdom is supporting India and Pakistan to address the causes and impact of conflict in the region. Could you elaborate a little on that?
We remain committed to our engagement in Kashmir in a very practical way through the UK Government’s Conflict Prevention Pool. This continues to fund a number of projects which help those in India, Pakistan and on both sides of the Line of Control with their efforts to facilitate dialogue and address the causes and impact of conflict in the region.
World powers, your country included, have shrugged off their responsibilities on the pretext that Kashmir problem is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan, letting the people here suffer in the tussle between the two elephants. Do you not think a more pragmatic approach could have assisted in hammering out a solution long back?
Dialogue remains the best option to solve the issue. A solution can be found only through dialogue: no other country can prescribe a solution. The UK supports the ongoing dialogue process between India and Pakistan, and a solution that takes into account the wishes of the people of Kashmir.
Situation in J&K 10 years from now on - is there hope for a solution and what guarantees can United Kingdom give?
I’m afraid that the United Kingdom cannot give any guarantees on what will happen in 10 years time! But we continue to urge India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue. We were encouraged to hear the remarks of Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, during his visit to Indian-Administered Kashmir in April, when he said that he hoped to put the past behind us, and to move forward with a sense of urgency, not inhibited by false fears or narrow agendas. I remember that he also said that he had been heartened by the very positive statements made by the Pakistani Government. We have also heard positive messages from Pakistani Prime Minister, Syed Gillani, who said that that he would promote “peace and brotherhood" with India. The Composite Dialogue talks on 20-21 May in Islamabad were encouraging, and we hope India and Pakistan will continue to build on this progress.
There's a travel advisory against visiting Kashmir. The government of Jammu and Kashmir has been trying hard to have it lifted, though without success. Do you not think the time's ripe to lift it?
The UK Government advises against all travel to or through rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir (other than Ladakh), and against all but essential travel to Srinagar. We advise British nationals intending to travel to Srinagar to do so only by air. The Indian Government clearly remains concerned about the security situation in Indian-administered Kashmir. The UK Government has a consular responsibility towards its citizens to provide them with the most accurate and current advice on the risks of travel to a particular region. We keep our travel advice under constant review.
The interview was published in Greater Kashmir, on July 5, 2008.
AIDS bomb ticking in Kashmir
Srinagar, Dec 1: If the figures projected by the National Aids Control Organisation are taken seriously, the HIV/AIDS scenario of Jammu and Kashmir looks pretty grim. Officially, there have been 78 deaths since 2000 and there are 1594 confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS in the state, but many dispute these numbers and claim that the actual figures are much higher. “I’d say the number of deaths could be more,” said Dr Mushtaq Siddiqui, who heads the Immunology Department at the state’s premier healthcare facility, SKIMS, Srinagar. He said the stigma attached with the disease has made it all the more difficult to make a correct estimation. The NACO projects 40,000 Kashmiris infected with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2010, and warns that the disease could kill 20,000 people by the end of 2015. Records available with the State Aids Control Society put the number of persons having contracted the infection at 1594 compared to 1999, when only two HIV positive cases were reported. Many questioned whether the state was sleeping over a heap of dynamite. Dr. M A Wani, Project Director State Aids Control Society was not one of them, saying that in light of the recently conducted sentinel survey which indicated a zero prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the valley, there was nothing to worry about. “As compared to the 1.5 in 2003, the HIV/AIDS prevalence in the state has come down to 0.3 in 2008.” About the NACO’s figures, Dr Wani said those were only projected figures. “If we do nothing to thwart the advances of the disease, the figures could go as projected.” “The figures are a result of hypothetical, scientific and mathematical model projections,” head of Social and Preventive Medicine at Government Medical College, Srinagar, Dr Muneer Ahmad Masoodi said. Dr Wani said the SACS has been on the forefront of the battle against HIV/AIDS in the state. “Our educational programmes have been highly successful and there’s nothing to worry about,” Dr Wani said. “It, however, does not mean that we should sit back and relax. HIV/AIDS has the menacing potential of popping its head out of nowhere.” Dr. Siddiqui also warned against complacency, as according to him the sentinel survey ‘suffers’ from certain inherent flaws and the 0.3 prevalence’ could be quite misleading. Dr. Wani disagrees. “Fortunately, ours is a low profile state in terms of HIV infections,” he said. “When I say low profile, what I mean is that the percentage of cases is less than one per cent in antenatal women and less that five percent in high-risk groups.” In spite of being a low prevalence risk zone, with an infection rate among high-risk groups standing at 0.3 per cent, the statistics in Kashmir are fast changing. The shifting demographics are the most significant factor in transmitting the virus, and it has wreaked real havoc. Concentrations of migrant labourers, truck drivers, security personnel and the influx of tourists, yatris invariably pose a serious threat. If the survey of the SACS revealing 400 active homosexuals in the state is taken for granted, the scenario may assume a dangerous proposition. With over half a million security forces stationed in Jammu and Kashmir, the figures indicate a dangerous trend among security personnel. The increased presence of police, military and paramilitary forces in the state has added to the risk because of the frequency of HIV/AIDS among security personnel. Border Security Force (BSF) and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel are among the majority of cases detected in the SKIMS. “Since the inception of the AIDS centre at SKIMS in 1986, we’ve screened almost 20728 people here, of which 193 were found HIV positive,” said Dr. Siddiqui. “It’s worthwhile to note that most of them belonged to security forces, mainly the CRPF and the BSF who had readied for a voluntary testing.” “One of the locals from Uri had contracted the virus after he disclosed that he and several army personnel had had sex with the same woman,” a doctor in the SKIMS said. “Only last month, a patient died of AIDS in Kashmir taking the toll to 8.” According to the SKIMS sources, a villager contracted the disease after he visited a chemist shop which was frequented by army personnel. “The chemist might have given the poor fellow some injection with the same syringe and needle he might have used for the army personnel,” said the doctor. It is practically difficult to determine the number of army and security personnel infected with HIV/AIDS. “They’re not sharing information with the local organisations here,” Dr Muneer said. He expressed satisfaction over the present HIV scenario of Kashmir. “Traditionally, free mixing of sexes is not encouraged in Muslim societies, hence the prevalence is low among them the world over.” The SACS has been active in the state since 1999, spending millions annually with separate allocation for a multitude of peripheral activities such as School AIDS, a student awareness programme. The society is financed by NACO and the World Bank. Their awareness programmes extended to security agencies including CRPF, BSF, and the army, have to a large extent helped keep the disease from assuming dangerous propositions, according to SACS. “Over 34,000 people volunteered for the testing which shows the level of awareness in the state.” Dr Wani said. “This is also one of the successful parameters of AIDS control programme.” However, J&K lags far behind Himachal Pradesh, a neighbouring state with a smaller population. According to reports, HP has 33 Integrated Counselling and Testing Centres (ICTC), against only 22 in Jammu and Kashmir, exposing the state to considerable risk. “There’s no need to set up more ICTCs in the state,” Dr Wani said. “Whether the scenario takes a turn for the worse,” warned Dr. Muneer Ahmad Masoodi, “depends on whether the local populace is able to appreciate and respond to the considerable dangers AIDS continues to pose.
Appeared in Greater Kashmir, December 2, 2008
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